Q&A .
Who profits from LDD?
and everyone who wants to learn how to protect their rights.
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LDD was designed this way to ensure no one person was able to
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LDD is always here to serve and not to be served.
How much is membership?
membership is FREE, no purchase necessary.
All proceeds (after taxes, website maintenance and other fees) are donated to Legal Education projects Science Education projects and World Peace projects.
Where are you located?
- We are currently located in beautiful land of San Marino, Europe.
Who owns LDD?
LDD is owned by a private trust based out of San Marino.
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It is our understanding that any legal document, basic legal questions, statements, affirmations etc can not be copy right. LDD does not make any copy right claim to any legal documents. LDD documents are not intended to replace any countries official documents. Information and content found on LDD is for entertainment purposes only. LDD must state this for legal reasons to protect this work, we hope you can understand.
Do you offer refunds?
- No,
There are no refunds regarding digital content and private consultations. Views and theories expressed in private consultations are not legal advice. LDD does NOT give legal advice. LDD private consultations are an expression of LDD's own personal opinion and nothing more. If you want legal advice contact a lawyer.
Do you offer Consultations by phone?
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Address Options
What's a NAC Address?
NAC stands for Natural Area Code instead of a federal zip code.
These help show jurisdiction and separate real land from fictional names of STATES which sound like the names of real land but are instead corporate fictions.
How should i write my address to reflect natural jurisdiction?
The easiest address to use is the normal kind of address;
The way you write your address shows if you are communicating
as a living man to man, fiction to man, man to fiction or fiction to fiction as when two corporations communicate.
Decide how you want to communicate.
Are you communicating as a:
Private Man to another Private Man,
a Legal Fiction to a Legal Fiction,
Private Man to Fiction or
Fiction to private Man?
(see Example below)
Example: Private Man to .... Legal Fiction can be written as;
First-Middle; Last
In Care of: 123 Example Dr
City name, ____________ Republic State of Colorado, near [xxxxx]
Rural Free Delivery, usa
or you can use a NAC address if you know what yours is.
Example of Fiction to.... can be written as;
CITY, CO (whatever state you use, use the abbreviated 2 capital letters)
ZIP 12345
An address shows how you are communicating, whether it's to a private man or woman or if you are dealing with a corporation.
FEDEX can use a NAC address but USPS system can not.
It's typically best to send via USPS Registered mail w/signed return receipt if you need evidence of sent mail for a case.
For issues of proving jurisdiction, proving you are not under the jurisdiction of THE UNITED STATES corporation we recommend the "Famous 1Hr Strategy". This strategy can be edited to fit almost any case and it's so easy anyone can use it.
This strategy is great for both beginners and experts.
It doesn't require you to have a law degree or previous legal background to understand it. It's a very easy to follow step-by-step guide how to enforce your rights in court.
The 1Hr Strategy will give you the understanding you need so you can walk the walk and talk the talk and go into court feeling confident and fearless because you'll know what questions to ask and how to answer the prosecution and how to shut them down.
While we can't guarantee you victory as every case if different we believe this will give you the best possible chance for success if you are in the hot seat and facing a quick approaching court date.
How do i enter a document into my case?
- Typically before your hearing date you may enter any documents and evidence into your case by submitting them to the Clerks Office.
This may be done in person or via mail.
If you send docs or evidence to the Clerks Office via the post office we urge you to send it certified "signature confirmation return receipt" that way when it arrives at the Clerks Office they will have to sign for it. That signed confirmation return receipt is now your proof that you sent something to the Clerks office so if they fail to enter your docs into your case or try to say they didn't receive anything you will have proof that you sent docs to them to be entered into the case.
Furthermore to prove WHAT was sent you will need a Notary Presentment cover page/ Bill of Lading which is basically a cover page that lists what documents are sent and evidence along with a short description of each item. This cover page will need to be Notarized by a Notary Public which are usually free at the bank and you only send a COPY of this cover page to the Clerks office with your docs and evidence. Again you may send mail via "signature conformation return receipt" and now you will have proof not only that you sent something but you'll have proof of exactly what was sent and when.
When will the Judge review my docs and evidence?
Typically any docs and evidence will not be fully reviewed until the time of your hearing.
If i need more time to gather docs and evidence how do i request more time from the court?
You will need to request a "Continuance" form from the Clerks Office or you can download a generic form here.
What if the Clerk refuses my documents?
Typically we only see this with common documents once in a while. For example, some STATES may have their own version of a "Request for Continuance form" and they may want you to fill our their STATE version.
If you are not a U.S. CITIZEN you may refuse on grounds that the STATE version of the form may be copy right by THE STATE and to use their forms may constitute entrance into a foreign jurisdiction so if you do not wish to enter into a foreign U.S. jurisdiction you may want to stick to your own forms.
Can anyone create a legal document or form?
- Yes.
Legal Forms are not legally able to be copy right. Anyone can get a piece of paper and write at the top a title that says "Affidavit" then write a recount of the facts of your case below it and have it notarized and enter it into the case via the Clerks Office as evidence.
If i'm a U.S. CITIZEN should i change my jurisdiction?
What are my options?
U.S. CITIZENS are bound by over 100k codes and statues every year that nobody can remember, created by lawyers "foreign agents" not registered with FARA and under COLOR OF LAW. Only U.S. CITIZENS are required to follow them or pay fines, go to jail etc.
If you are not a U.S. CITIZEN you are under a different jurisdiction like "OUT IN THE WILDERNESS" jurisdiction for example if you are not claiming to be part of any country or rather... in most cases not part of a foreign corporation posing as a form of government.
Think of it like this, if you are not a federal employee then why should you be bound by the employee handbook?
If you don't work at walmart why be bound to the walmart employee handbook?
Anyone may change their jurisdiction at any time for any reason what so ever. Your right to choose is protected by international law and the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
Some U.S. Agencies will try to make you believe you don't have that right, that you have to pay 500$ or more to simply "request" of the U.S. a form where you are then able to ask if they will LET YOU change your jurisdiction, mind you they can simply tell you NO and keep your 500$ you paid to ask your question, talk about a scam.
As long as you are not a criminal and in good status you should be able to change your jurisdiction if you desire at any time. Anyone can research the UDHR and see that you clearly have that right to make that decision for yourself. It's your life and your decision.
You don't have to leave your home land to leave the foreign corporation posing as it's government.
Can i change my jurisdiction to "out in the wilderness" to get immunity from all U.S. codes/statutes?
- Typically if done correctly and you never accidentally do anything to confer jurisdiction then yes however if you do this you are still bound to follow Natural law, the Mossiac laws and the like of Nature. You still can't steal, can't murder, cause property damage etc or you confer jurisdiction and you'll still be arrested. Being a National or any status outside the jurisdiction of the U.S. codes/ statutes is about learning how to live as a peaceful inhabitant, how to use the actual law to solve problems instead of getting stuck in a combatant war like mentality.
Do not think you can change your jurisdiction and then do whatever you want. For those who go looking for trouble you will find it.
Meaning If you change your jurisdiction then go out acting like a fool and hurt somebody you can still be arrested for violent crimes and a few other things. You're not immune to all laws everywhere.
You are only immune to U.S. codes/statutes but if you cause harm to anyone or anyone's private property, steal etc you can still be arrested and you're going to have a bad day. Stay in Peace and Honor at all times. Let your paper work do the fighting for you.
Reclaiming your freedom isn't about trying to get away with anything, it's about freedom and doing what's right.
What is the "DO NOT DETAIN LIST?"
It simply refers to those people who have taken the steps necessary to change their jurisdiction/status from U.S. CITIZEN(legal fiction/corporation-subject to U.S. codes/statutes) to a Nationality that exists outside the U.S., for example a National or State Citizen. You can have a Nationality with any Nation you choose just make sure you choose a real nation and not a corporation posing as a Nation.
You then take an Oath and Affirmation to your Nation of choice and a couple other documents. This Oath is considered by U.S. to be an Oath to a foreign Nation which is an expatriation act which is one way to give up U.S. CITIZENSHIP. and thus one way to easily cut the ties to any assumption that you; a Natural Man or Woman are a U.S. CITIZEN/ Legal Fiction.
Do i need to ask USA INC for permission before i change my status to National or State National?
No, but it helps your chances of being accepted as a National if you are currently in good standing, no warrants etc,. Your right to have a Nationality with claim to human rights is secured by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) #15.
Do i need my Family Crest on my documents?
A Family Crest (similar to a ZIP CODE) on your documents helps show the court they are dealing with a Natural Man/ Woman, a Family, and not a corporation but it's not always necessary. You can write your address as a Natural Man without using a Family Crest seal on your mail.
How do i get my kids back from CPS?
Please see our page on CPS.
How do i deal with cops?
Kill them with kindness. Always be polite and respectful.
Never argue with cops, let your documents do the fighting for your.
To make dealing with Cops easier you should always carry your National or State Citizen ID/Passport with you so Cops know right away that they are dealing with a foreign National or Foreign State Citizen. Otherwise if you refuse to show id they may think you are a U.S. CITIZEN, someone who is subject to their jurisdiction.
Have you dealt with cops before?
Yes. Regarding one interaction in which cops were called on me by someone who didn't like me. Once the 5 cops arrived they looked at my jurisdiction paperwork and said "there is nothing we can do, he's outside of our jurisdiction." I want to emphasize i was not doing anything wrong, i had permission to be where i was. Never argue with cops, you never know how cops will act and you are never there to argue anything or create controversy if you want to remain standing in peace and honor. if a cop knows the law and if they are going to follow the law is another thing. That's why we always say be polite and save any arguing for in your docs and evidence you later can enter into your court case.
We recommend you NEVER talk to cops but always be polite.
You can still do as they ask while maintaining your jurisdiction simply by saying (example;"i do not give you permission to search me or my car, i cooperate only under duress", then you may do as they ask, whether it's a request to get out of your car or whatever without give up your rights or jurisdiction.
The more you talk to or argue with cops the more they will have to try to use against you so do yourself a favor and shut up.
There are plent of tricks cops, lawyers and judges use to gain silent judicial notice that they just got you under their jurisdiction which is why we recommend the Famous 1Hr Strategy if you have a court case coming up. Unfortunately we can't list all the tricks to watch out for here.
How much does membership cost?
Membership is FREE!
How do i become a member of LDD?
You can become a member simply by using this website, viewing it, downloading LDD content or using LDD content.
How long does membership last?
Membership lasts a lifetime.
There is no monthly sub to pay ever!
What are the benefits of membership?
1. Learn strategies lawyers and judges don't want you to know about.
2. Learn how to protect and enforce your rights.
3. Learn how to become debt free.
4. Learn how to properly and legally make distinction between yourself and your STRAW-MAN/SS#/legal fiction so there is no confusion that you are the living beneficiary of the SS# and not the surety for it and more.
5. Learn how to manage your own legal affairs.
6. Learn how to take back your life and stop living in fear
7. Learn how to Exit the U.S.A. INC Matrix jurisdiction and how
to retain your natural jurisdiction and enforce your unalienable rights
and more.
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