Famous 1Hr Strategy .
This 1Hour Strategy focuses on the Foundational Evidence every claim is based upon. By simply asking a few of the right questions you may be able to get your case dismissed or ticket thrown out.
For those fighting CPS you can replace (THE STATE OF X) with the Name of the child you are trying to get back.
Do you have a fast approaching court date?
Need a winning strategy
you can learn fast?
Need your Traffic Ticket
Facing civil or criminal
Ready to stop living in fear?
or CPS?
Learn how to ask the STATE, DMV, CPS etc, for Foundational Evidence of their claim.
Learn how to enforce your natural jurisdiction.
Learn how to shut down lawyers and cops in court.
*(This Download includes additional documents).
"If you want results you've never had before
you must be willing to do something you've
never done before". - Thomas Jefferson
What is the 1Hr Strategy?
The 1Hr Strategy is a legal strategy that focuses on asking a few of the right questions to get the factual evidence being used against you, the corner stone of the Prosecutors claim which they never have. In almost every single case in America every person who has found themselves in Court have had their Rights violated because this one thing the Prosecutor never has and the Judge never forces them to have it because in most cases they are able to trick people into handing over their jurisdiction so the Prosecutor doesn't have to have this one thing. However, when you know how to ask for this one thing, how to force the prosecutor to provide it or be exposed as a fraud the game quickly turns in your favor.
This Strategy can be used in a wide variety of cases whether you are fighting a traffic ticket, criminal charges, IRS and taxes, or even if you are fighting CPS to get your child back. You do not need to be a lawyer or be able to cite a bunch of Constitutional Law in order to be able to use this strategy. This strategy is very simple and approved for both beginners and experts in dealing with legal issues.
With the 1Hr Strategy you are only asking for the FACTS which are supposed to be given to you anyway according to Due Process.
This is one of the most brilliant and easiest strategies we have ever seen and we
highly recommend it. We have seen it work for others and it may work for you to.
Don't be another lamb lead to the slaughter by a corrupt legal system.
Learn how to stand up and enforce your rights
Nobody is going to fight for your rights for you.
We can teach you how to box, how to be one of the best but it's YOU
who has to step into the boxing ring,
It's YOU who has to hit fast and hit hard and block when needed,
don't live in fear ANYMORE
The legal system is designed to take everything from you starting by tricking you into handing over your Status and Jurisdiction.
Are you going to let the Courts get away with that or are you going to fight for your Rights
and if they violate your rights, let them expose themselves as a fraud on the record in doing so.
are you ready to Stand Up for your Rights?
Click below to download now.
Do you have a fast approaching court date?
Need a winning strategy
you can learn fast?
Need your Traffic Ticket
Facing civil or criminal
Ready to stop living in fear?