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Educational Video Library           .

Educational Video Library

For a beginners course on how the legal world and the fraud within it, operate today, please watch all the educational videos below.

When you understand how the system works you will better understand how to

protect yourself from it.

Below you can find several educational videos that are essential to  giving you a better understanding of the legal world, where the corruption started and how to protect your rights from it.

Whether you want to get your Traffic Ticket thrown out, fighting CPS to get your kids back, dealing with the Straw-Man Federal Account, Authenticate your Birth Certificate or want to get on the DO NOT DETAIN LIST/Change your jurisdiction, Exit Voter Rolls, Leave the Military, etc there are lots of videos below that will help you understand how to better achieve your goals whatever they are.

Isn't it time you stood up for yourself?

Isn't it time you learned how to enforce your rights

when they are violated?

 Scales of Justice
"If you don't know how to enforce your Rights, you have none".
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