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LDD is committed to fighting corruption and protecting freedom. To protect our work from frivolous lawsuits
we state the following whether we agree with it or not.
(LDD is a satire website, for entertainment purposes only.)
LDD is not affiliated with any other website, entity or government.
LDD is NOT a credit repair agency and does not offer those type of services.
LDD is not responsible for anyone's actions. LDD does NOT guarantee victory in any case.
Every case is different, LDD does not do paperwork for you and does not guarantee victory in any case.
LDD is not a lawyer and does NOT give legal advice. For legal advice contact a lawyer.
Every user of this website is expected to use this website responsibly.
LDD is a private website for members only.
If you do not wish to be a member of this website do not use this website or it's content.
LDD documents are examples only meant to serve as a guide for you to create your own documents.
Legal Doc Depot's mission:
LDD's aims to bring light to certain topics, theories and information
that is often ignored by others.
Are you an angry, freedom loving, American patriot, fighting to protect your rights and need a little help?
If so you're in the right place.
At LDD you can learn all about legal documents and strategies lawyers and judges don't want you to know about.
LDD is supported by a team of highly educated and passionate individuals.
We are located in San Marino Europe and we have over 50 years of combined experience dealing with U.S. legal issues and documents including but not limited to dealing with DUI, DWI, CRIMINAL, ILLEGAL ALIEN, STATUS, CHANGING JURISDICTIONS, STRAW-MAN, BIRTH CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATION, COLLECTING EVIDENCE OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING, FIGHTING CPS, REMOVAL FROM VOTER ROLLS, EXPATRIATION, DRIVING WITHOUT ID, DRIVING WITHOUT INSURANCE, DRIVING WITHOUT REGISTRATION, DO NOT DETAIN LIST/ CHANGING JURISDICTION, GETTING OUT OF THE MILITARY and more. Over the decades we have seen corruption run rampant in the U.S. legal system and we are just as angry about it as any freedom loving patriot would be and we aim to stop this corruption through legal education and awareness.
LDD does not advocate violence. LDD promotes the supreme path of peace via education of how to protect your unalienable rights and unalienable rights to private property. If you are an angry patriot don't turn to violence, learn how to protect your rights and then teach others how to do the same and one person at a time the masses will wake up and learn how to stand up against oppression and protect their rights. Together we can change the world to create a brighter future for all. This website is supported by your donations only. If you find the info on this website helpful please donate today. Without your help through donations this website would not exist. A Donation of any amount is greatly appreciated.
Why choose LDD?
LDD is here to share all the info and docs with you that lawyers don't want you to know about.
A Lawyers oath binds them to do what is in the best interest of "THE STATE" which may not be what you want.
LDD aims to put the power back in your hands. What's in the best interest of THE STATE may be THE STATE taking your kids,
you being forced to plea guilty, pay a huge fine or even serving jail time. We don't think this is right. We believe everyone should be fully informed of their rights and how to enforce those rights.
Who profits from LDD?
and everyone who wants to learn how to protect their rights.
LDD is a non profit private members only web site. (membership is free/no purchase necessary)
All proceeds (after taxes, website maintenance and other fees) are donated to World Peace Projects and
Legal and Science education projects.